Hello!! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. I was lucky enough to have a four day weekend but somehow it still managed to fly by in the blink of an eye. I did manage to start my Christmas shopping so that is definitely a plus. But before Christmas is here I cant forget about Thanksgiving! I wanted to try something new on my blog this week and kick off a week of Thanksgiving Outfit Idea posts. So everyday this week I will be posting a different outfit that would be perfect for Thanksgiving. I thought this would be a good week to start, that way if anything catches your eye there will be plenty of time to order it. Plus a lot of the outfits are from Amazon and on Prime shipping 🙂 Here is outfit number one which I’m totally obsessed with! This cape! I’m in…
Happy Monday everyone! I always try to start my work week with a super positive mindset. It can be so easy to let the stress of work, to do lists, and early alarms get to you so some extra positivity can go a long way. I thought that I would share one more look from our trip to the Delaware Water Gap last weekend. I actually got this plaid cape from Costco last fall if you can believe it but I didn’t get much use out of it, so I wanted to make sure I got the chance to use it this season. Even though this exact one is not available I will be sure to link some similar options as well as everything else below. I hope everyone is ready for an amazing week. This will be the first week with the time change so the sun setting…
Wow!! This past week absolutely flew by! Halloween has come and gone and that is always bittersweet for me. I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween filled with lots and lots of candy. Last weekend we attended a fun halloween party and did a couple costume which is always so much fun and we took a drive to the Delaware Water Gap. We wanted to soak up the last of the brilliant foliage and though some trees were starting to lose their leaves there was still so much to see. It was so serene I didn’t want to leave. Other people must have had the same idea because it was packed! So many people were taking advantage of the gorgeous weather and going for a hike and it looked lovely. Unfortunately we were unprepared, I was in heels lol, so we did not partake but there is always…
Well let me just say I can not believe there are only 10 days left until Halloween!!! Where did the time go? I feel like this month is just flying by and I must admit it is giving me a little anxiety. Probably not the best way to start off a Monday post but I’m just trying to keep it real lol. The fall is my absolute favorite time of year so I like to soak up every second of it. If you read yesterday’s post I mentioned that I spent the weekend at an apple festival and this is the look I wore. It was my fist year attending and it was honestly the cutest thing! It was put on by the Westfield Historical Society and had everything an apple festival should have. There was music, dancing, pumpkin painting, games, and of course an apple…
Hello and happy Sunday! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Unfortunately today is quite rainy and dreary here in New Jersey but yesterday was absolutely perfect. My husband and I went to a local apple festival during the day and at night watched classic monster movies in the park and went for a stroll to see the display of carved pumpkins in a local contest. Last weekend was also gorgeous so we took advantage of the beautiful weather and went apple picking. It wasn’t cold enough to need a jacket but there was just enough bite to the air that I threw on a cashmere scarf over my dress to stay warm. We had the best time and picked some truly delicious apples. This dress was perfect for the occasion. I recently ordered this dress from Amazon and when it arrived I immediately knew where I…
If you’ve been to any store with home decor this season it is almost certain that you have seen delightful fabric pumpkins. They come in all shapes, sizes, and fabric choices. I absolutely love them! They are an adorable addition to my fall decorations. The only downside is that these pumpkins can sometimes come with a high price tag. After buying a few and looking them over I knew I could recreate them for much less and an added bonus about DIY is that you can choose whichever fabric color or pattern that will match your decor. For this craft you will need: 1. Any fabric of your choice, I went with a light pink and grey plaid print. 2. Scissors 3. Felt (for the stem) 4. Thick sturdy thread (I used regular sewing thread and had to double it up) 5. Needles (I used a regular sewing…
Who doesn’t love plaid in the fall?? It is basically a fall neutral and I’m definitely onboard. So naturally when I saw this dress I had to order it. This dress is so simple which is good because it is a pretty bold print. But the black and white color pattern helps it from looking too busy. This is another outfit from our recent trip to Vermont. I ended up putting this dress on after our long drive there and kept it on all day and night because of how comfortable it was. I will say it is a bit on the thin side but that didn’t really bother me, I just put my over the knee boots on to keep my legs warm and had no problems. This print is just so festive I couldn’t resist it and it’s only $25 and on…
Back with another look from our recent trip to Manchester, Vermont. I seriously loved this outfit because I feel like it was a bit outside my comfort zone. I used to always go for dark colors once the summer was over, but I must say I really like the look of neutrals for fall. When I got this sweater in the mail I could not stop picturing it with white jeans, and since I didn’t own a pair (crazy I know) I went to Target and found these. These jeans are from their Universal Thread collection and I must say they are excellent quality. They have a bit of stretch but not enough where they will end up being stretched out and baggy and they are super flattering on! I wore this look with my absolute favorite boots from Nordstrom and a new hat I recently picked up at…
Happy Fall y’all! I am so excited because it is finally starting to feel like fall in New Jersey. My husband and I spent last weekend in Manchester, Vermont and honestly had the best time! It was such a magical place and I can’t wait to return. I will definitely be putting together a travel guide because it really is the most quaint little town with so much charm. In the meantime though I wanted to share some of my favorite outfits from the trip starting with this one. Almost everything I wore is still in stock and super affordable. I actually did not get a chance to go shopping at my favorite stores before we left so I placed an order on amazon and was so impressed with the quality of pieces I ordered. Some of the pieces I ordered are definitely going to be…
Who doesn’t love the fall?? Every season has its own things that make it special but the fall just has so many things going for it. I truly think it is the most romantic time of year with some of the best date night options so I wanted to come up with a list of free or inexpensive things you and your loved one can do together. 1. Watch a scary movie at home while cuddled up together. It’s a classic for a reason. Grab the popcorn and a cozy blanket and hold each other close when the movie really starts to get creepy. 2. Go for an evening jog together. Enjoy the fresh air and changing leaves. 3. Go apple picking together and make a fresh apple pie. There is something so satisfying about making a pie with the apples you hand…