20 Free or Inexpensive Fall Date Night Ideas

Who doesn’t love the fall?? Every season has its own things that make it special but the fall just has so many things going for it. I truly think it is the most romantic time of year with some of the best date night options so I wanted to come up with a list of free or inexpensive things you and your loved one can do together. 

1. Watch a scary movie at home while cuddled up together. 

It’s a classic for a reason. Grab the popcorn and a cozy blanket and hold each other close when the movie really starts to get creepy. 

2. Go for an evening jog together. 

Enjoy the fresh air and changing leaves. 

3. Go apple picking together and make a fresh apple pie.

There is something so satisfying about making a pie with the apples you hand-picked, since you did it together it will taste that much better!

4. Make a meal together. 

I love finding a new seasonal recipe and trying it out with my husband. You can even pair it with the apple pie you made together for dinner and dessert. 

5. Go to a local football game together. 

I love going to a local high school football game in the fall. It is usually free or very inexpensive and I love sitting on the bleachers with a hot chocolate rooting for my home team. 

6. Walk through a local farmers market together. 

This time of year farmer markets have the best stuff! I love going to mine because I know the fruit and vegetables are locally grown, organic, fresh, and about the same price as my grocery store. It can be fun to go together because you never know what you will find. Fresh donuts, pumpkins and flowers are some of my favorites along with the fruit and veggies. 

7. Go for a coffee date. 

I love going to my favorite coffee shop or cafe and getting a festive drink and pastry and sitting outside to enjoy the weather. My husband actually hates coffee (I’ve tried to convert him) so he gets his favorite tea or hot chocolate while I drink my PSL. For about $15 we both have a drink and our own pastry (get two different ones and share) and its makes for a lovely afternoon date. 

8. Make a bonfire and roast some s’mores. 

We have a fire pit in our backyard and it is so much fun to sit by the warm fire when the sun goes down and enjoy some s’mores together with a glass of wine.

9. Go to a Harvest Festival together. 

Search online for local fall events or harvest festivals in your area. You can usually find something and most do not charge you to attend. There is a local one I go to every year that does charge $5 to get in but it is totally worth it. They have food trucks, local crafts, and unique finds for sale but I just love to walk around and browse while listening to the live music. 

10. Make caramel apples together. 

Still have some apples left over from picking them in the orchard, well caramel apples are an easy and delicious way to use them. Its a fun activity to do together and you can add your own topping like nuts or coconut flakes, depending on your preference. 

11. Go for a picnic. 

I love to tell my husband we are going on a picnic and then pack the basket myself with my husbands favorite foods and a good bottle of wine and surprise him when we get to the park. He is always so appreciative that I put in a little extra effort to get all the things he loves. So grab a blanket and spend some quality time together enjoying the outdoors.

12. Visit a pumpkin patch. 

Pick out your favorite pumpkin together or you can get some really awesome photo ops.

13. Visit a local brewery and go for a tasting. 

Tastings are a great way to try new brews and can be very inexpensive because its a great way for breweries to get people to try their new products. 

14. Make a scarecrow together. 

Okay so hear me out on this one, building something together can be a great bonding experience and what better to build in the fall than a scarecrow! First grab some old jeans, flannel shirt, some fabric and hay. Second, use the hay and stuff away. Be creative and make something unique and display your creations outside for some festive decor. TIP: Don’t have any old clothes that are suitable for a scarecrow, head to your local thrift store and you’ll be sure to find something perfect. 

15.  Carve a pumpkin. 

Making a jack-o-lantern is a halloween tradition that I still can’t give up even as an adult. Carving one with your special someone makes it even better. Who doesn’t love watching the warm glow of a candle light up a pumpkin!

16. Go to a haunted house. 

If you are feeling brave you can look up local haunted houses, you can usually find one pretty close with a quick google search. Some high schools even put on a haunted house in the month of October for as little as $5 a person and the money goes to benefit the school so it is a win win. 

17. Go for a leaf peeping car ride. 

This is one of my favorite things to do in the autumn and it is totally free! Driving around winding roads looking at the foliage is a great way to really appreciate the beauty that this time of year brings. 

18. Go for a hike.

Get up early on a weekend and go for a hike together. It’s always so much fun to explore and see new things together, and nature has so much to offer this time of year. 

19. Visit a local park.

Find a nearby park and don’t forget your camera. This picturesque time of year makes for the perfect backdrop for an impromptu couples photoshoot. Bring a tripod if you have one and set the timer or politely ask a person nearby if they could snap a few photos of you and your bae. 

20. Stargaze

This one might be the simplest and it is completely free but it is still one of my favorites. Grab a couple of blankets and lay out under the stars. There is something so magical about laying next to the person you love and gazing up at the wonder of the night sky. 

I hope this list will inspire you to spend some special nights with your special someone this autumnal season!